
Friday, October 16, 2009

TP Update - Hmm... that was easier than it probably should have been...

Rofl, yeah. Title again explains it all. XD

I defeated Gannon. (Btw, why is it that he is in all the games? Geez! How the heck does he keep coming back to life? I keep killing him over and over, thrusting the Master Sword into him, and he keeps COMING BACK!) And Zant, actually. Lolz, he is the BEST BOSS EVER! Seriously! My sis was really disappointed because she saved after the boss so she can't ever do him again. Me, I was smart, so I didn't save after him. Made sure about that.

Haha, so I got through Snowpeak. Oh, you know how I was mentioning the sledding earlier? Well, after I beat Gannon, I had nothing to do, so I decided to catch up a bit on my sledding records again... and I beat him my FIRST TRY! Sheesh. Well, truthfully, that could be thanks to my sister's amazing discovery. She found that if you put on Iron Boots or Magic Armor (if you don't have rupees, lol, it gives you the same result as Iron Boots), you become heavier, and by some odd, bizarre way that makes you go faster.

Well, Snowpeak, Temple of Time (you remember me writing about that, right? LOLZ, it was so fun doing the same thing again! :D), and the Sky (I beat that within an hour! I'd memorized the way from last time, haha) were much too easy for me. So I got to the Twilight Realm again (and finally I didn't have to be so careful when saving anymore! You can't imagine how long it took me to save because I had to SLOWLY select the file and CAUTIOUSLY press the overwrite button, thinking carefully about which one I was saving it to), and I got my shiny sword! YES! That's like, my favorite part of the game! Hmm, I just realized something. What if you'd had the Ordon Sword out at that time? Lolz, would Link have taken out the Master Sword like he did on Ocarina? OH YEAH! That reminds me. I beat OoT too! Hmm, I'd better make a separate post of that.

Oookay... so I had lots of fun pwning Gannon. And wow, when I was in Hyrule Castle (creepiest level because of those scary zombie-like ghost guys that are in the halls that you see with your senses - I'd never really bothered looking at their faces before, but when I finally did, I was so freaked out, I jumped! XD) I actually found a treasure chest, hoping it was another Piece of Heart that I could add to my amazing collection, but instead, I found A SILVER RUPEE! I think I literally gasped out loud. 200 RUPEES! Lolz, my wallet was full though, so I couldn't hold it. XD But still, wow! I'd seen them a couple of times on Wind Waker, actually, but I have never seen them in any other game! EVER! I thought that they wouldn't be on other games. I mean, Wind Waker has HUGE wallets availiable, with like holding over 100,000 rupees at a time or something, so they have the capacity to carry something like this... but averagely on TP, the wallets are 600 rupees. WOW! I was so surprised.

Rofl, another funny thing. After I defeated Gannon's Puppet (isn't there a boss on Wind Waker with that same name? Oh wait, that's Puppet Gannon. Geez, can't these guys be more original? I mean, there was Armoghoma too, and the Water Temple boss in TP was named Morpheel, somewhat similar to Morpha in OoT...) and the weird pig form thing (where my sister and I had a dispute over whether pigs and boars were the same thing XD), I moved onto the Hyrule Field thing with Epona. And then, to my dismay, I pressed the minus button, and IT SKIPPED THE CUTSCENE! O: Noooo!!! That's one of my favorites out of the whole game! That, and the one after you beat the Water Temple. I mean, it's not that funny, but I once saw this "C is for Cookie" Zant thingy on YouTube and it starts with that cutscene, so when Zant is looming over Link he's saying "C IS FOR COOKIE" and it makes me laugh so hard to remember that... But yeah, so I missed beautiful Light Arrows and thinking Midna died and all that. Whatever though, I'll have to do it again sometime.

So that's the end! I've really got to work on my OoT description now... that one's even better...

1 comment:

  1. Hmm I haven't commeted on this blog NOW I HAVE! :) i love your storys keep writing
