
Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm obviously not a very good video game player....

I had a night full of Zelda... yet accomplished NOTHING.

Actually... two nights. I'll just pretend it's one night, though. xD

I played Spirit Tracks first - but, really, what more can I do on there? The only sidequest I haven't completed is the guy in Aboda who asks for 10 Cuccoos, but I don't get it, because I can only take him 5 at a time.

Then I sulkily played Wind Waker, on one file that I had started a while ago. I didn't have anything to do. Paige - Taryn's sister - was watching me again. So, to entertain her, I killed the Killer Bees - a glitch where you push these totally annoying little kids into a wall, and then they fall through and don't come back up unless you exit the area. I couldn't get the leader, though. xD

Next up was A Link to the Past. Hunter ThunderShield (Sydney's brother who has almost completed the game) told me you CAN'T kill those annoying things. So... I'm stuck...

Then I went over to Ocarina of Time. I kind of just wandered around, because I am still stumped with the Forest Temple.

Finally, I went with Twilight Princess. Still, nothing really happened. I don't like Arbiter's Grounds - it's a long story (read my old posts for a couple of hints xD). It's my least favorite dungeon, so I'm not all that eager to go for it. Instead, I tried to do that glitch with infinite bombs and arrows, which I have gotten really, really good at doing. :P Unfortunately, I discovered the hard way that it doesn't work if you haven't blown apart the rocks at the river ride place. So, all I accomplished was losing lots of hearts before I finally decided to head up there and break down the rocks and tried the glitch again. xD I DID finally complete it, and did the glitch successfully - up until the point where the canoe starts going away without you, because you're wolf Link. I wondered what would happen if I talked to Iza, the river ride person, as a wolf, but she just acted like I was human Link. Oddly, she asked if I wanted to go on the ride again. Wondering what would happen, I said yes, so she took 20 Rupees - and the canoe went without me again. -.-

So... I gtg now... xD

1 comment:

  1. uh you make me sound like a legend xD
    no (im jk i fail at most games just not racing brawl, borderlands every zelda game ever and pokemon LMAO xD)
