
Monday, February 1, 2010

MM Update - MORE Feirce Deity Fun! Yayz!

I knew how much EVERYONE loved my Feirce Deity Fun post (okay, no one read it, lol), so I made another one!

This is continuing my old one. So... where was I..?

Oh, right! Defeating the BIGGEST BADDEST BOSS (ah, I love that).

So, yeah, I did... and yeah, I saw the ending, with Anju and Kafei getting married, and the postman coming back, and Skull Kid saying something about recognizing me from OoT (weird!), and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember... And Saria's Song at the end...

I turned off the Wii then. I had to actually get off for the day (I can stay up reeeealy late playing any LoZ game), so I didn't know that I now had Feirce Deity mask wherever I went. :D But I did, next time I came on.

This is where the REAL fun begins.

Guess what? I found my first ever glitch on my own! Okay, well, Row Row (Rowan... heh, I have a new nickname for her) was there to help me. And the only reason we discovered it was because we were trying to do the Feirce Deity outside boss battles glitch, but I was an idiot and took out the Ocarina instead...

Still, it's our biggest acheivment yet.

Anyway, guess what the glitch does? First, it makes you become your horse, Epona, and run away from Link. :P Second, you can make Epona fly. Yes, folks, I said FLY.

It's a long description, and I'm currently on my DSi now... tommorrow, I'll talk about it. That, and my Feirce Deity fun in Clock Town. xD Yeah, I said Clock Town - as in, the place you can't be Feirce Deity in legitimately, and aren't suppose to go into when you aren't legitimately Feirce Deity... yeah, we kinda ignored the “DON'T GO IN CLOCK TOWN!!!” warnings that are all over YouTube...

More on that later. Anyway, for now... that's it!

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