
Friday, February 19, 2010

NEW HEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY! I'm so excited! For the first time in Medli's Messages history, WE HAVE A HEADER!

And it's the bestest header ever, because, in a way, it's my first ever graphic I've made on Photoshop! Rowan helped a little... okay, a lot... but still, I contributed!

I had SO much fun picking out all the renders! I accidentally put none from Spirit Tracks. :( I'm sorry. There were none on Planet Renders, where we found these images. Now that I think of it... I put one from every game I had except for poor ST! Oh noes! I even put one from A Link to the Past, which we JUST got, and Minish Cap and Four Swords, and we don't even HAVE those games! Ugh, I want Minish Cap though. I just don't have a GameBoy... :( Besides, I couldn't resist putting him there. He looks just so perfect in the front, lolz. You know, technically, I didn't put Link from Majora's Mask... but there's Fierce Diety, and he's even better. :P

I wanted SO bad to put ST Zelda in, but we had to make her a render. I also wanted in Shiek, Epona (come on, she has to be in there SOMEWHERE), possibly Gannon/Gannondorf (we gotta have the villain), or Young Zelda from OoT, but we had no room. Got lots of Toon Links though... I just love Toon Link... xD

So... how do you like it? If you're out there, readers, please comment and tell me! Personally, I LOVE it, but I still have to see what others think. Good, or bad?

Btw, in case you were wondering, the girl with the beak that's larger than all the others is Medli, who the blog is named after. She's a bird person, so... that's why she has a beak. ;)

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