
Monday, March 8, 2010

TP Update - Back in Time Glitch!

Yeah, this isn't Twilight Princess, but on Spirit Tracks, I GOT ALL THE HEART CONTAINERS! YAY! I was so so so happy. It is officially my first game I ever got ALL the Heart Containers on. Yes!

Now... Back in Time...

It was AWESOME! And it happened by complete accident!

A little while ago, I tried this glitch on my main file, the first one I completed. However, I could NOT do it on there. I tried so many times, and failed every one of them. So I gave up, deciding that my new, boring "Link" file that was still in Ordon would EVENTUALLY make it there, and I'd do it.

My dream came true!

Link is no longer in Ordon. In fact, he's in the Temple of Time. But I didn't get there until I did Arbiter's Grounds (and Snowpeak), of course! That's where this glitch started.

I began the glitch, doing exactly what you're suppose to do: Run into that annoying little quicksand hole, fall in, and press home menu and reset the game just as Link is going under. Timing is VERY important on this glitch. And I could not get the timing right. O.o Besides, I thought that this might mess up your file. Arbiter's Grounds is pretty far, so I was reluctant to destroy this file (then again, if I started it over, I could make a walkthrough! :D). I pressed on anyway.

It didn't work. -.-

Finally, I gave up, deciding I'd just go through the stage like you're suppose to. I went along, hookshotted that wall, jumped across those platforms, ignored the worm things that jump out of the sand (they're ANNOYING!), and hurried across the quicksand to that cahin-switch.

Here is where it REALLY began. I totally forgot that you're suppose to hookshot the chain to bring it toward you, THEN pull. So I went in the quicksand. I start sinking, but I grab the switch and try to pull, hoping I can make it back to the platform with it. Then, everything gets worse: two of those little mini-Skeleton guys pop out of the sand and start stabbing me! I'm sinking quickly, and I have no choice. I let go of the switch and desperately try to make it back tothe platform. I didn't make it.

Frustrated, I watch as Link starts to go under the quicksand, the Skeleton guys still surrounding me. Grr... I hate those guys...

Partially because of anger, partially because I didn't want to lose a heart, and partially (but a VERY small amount) because I was hoping the glitch might work, I reset the game.

As you can guess, the Back in Time glitch activated.

I was on the bridge of Eldin: no hearts, no items, NOTHING. From what I have read on YouTube and such, you end up here because you restarted the game as your sprite is loading up, so you find yourself in the title screen. Yes!

Stunned, I rushed to find my sister making some weird signature for some person. I bring her into the room and I start filming this entire spectacle. Maybe one day I'll post it on here.

After my sister and I debated on what we should do, I jumped off the edge of the bridge. When I respawned, I found myself on the bridge again. I only had three hearts, like at the beginning of the game, and only one was left. My items were all gone too: I only had my sword remaining.

I jumped off again, receiving a "GAME OVER." :( Then, when I started up again, I was STILL on the Bridge of Eldin, but this time, a cutscene began! It was the King Bulbin cutscene, from when I had to rescue Colin. Epona rode up, but Link was not on her back. It stared at above her for a while, where I'm guessing it was showing Link. Then the cutscene proceeds on, and then, when it ends, I'm back on the bridge still. I try to get out for a little, until a bulbin from across the bridge charges at me. O.o I jump off to escape.

Now when I come back, I'm on Epona! Yay! Now I can pwn King Bulbin! I do so (failing a few times on the Eldin showdown - I've never been good at this, and with only three hearts, it's HARD) and see the epic pose again! YAY!

Then, for some really, really, REALLY strange reason, the cutscene where Colin wakes up begins: AND WE'RE IN THE TWILIGHT REALM.

Umm... okay... weird...

The music kind of sounded funny, too, creepy twilight music overlapping the peaceful song that is SUPPOSE to come with the cutscene.

It ends, and guess what? I'M STILL IN TWILIGHT! And I'm LINK! Not any stupid wolf! Even better: MIDNA'S GONE! YES!

The light spirit isn't there; I checked. I ran off to try and blow up that one house. It was the only place that I could remember some of the Tears of Light were at.

When I arrived, I found, to my dismay, that the house was ALREADY blown up! Aww! Oddly, though, it seemed like there was an invisible wall surrounding the house, so I couldn't get to the tears. I crawled in through the entry that Wolf Link is suppose to go through, ending up in a fully built house. Weird... so I set the thing on fire, the bugs run around, the house starts blowing up - and Midna THEN decides to come back, informing me that she's... leaving me again. To die, this time. Ugh. My partner is SO useless in this game. xD

I start to head out the little Wolf Link hole again, but my sister commands me to go out the door instead. So I listen.

I wish SO much that I hadn't.

My game froze up! I was stuck in this REALLY weird place that was, like, in the sky. I couldn't see Link anywhere. It was all twilight still. I couldn't skip it - I tried MANY times.

So... yeah... that ended our reign of fun. :(


1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you can post the video! XD I would love it if you did! :)

