
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gods: You're the Hero of Winds! Me: *yawn*

You know what my favorite cutscene used to be in Wind Waker? ...Okay, I take that back. My favorite is the cutscene where Medli is awakened as Sage. And my second favorite is the one where you put the last pearl on the Triangle Islands. And my third favorite is when Tetra finds out she's Zelda. And of course I love the perfect ending cutscenes.

So... fifth favorite? I guess.

Anyway, it's the cutscene where you FINALLY get all those dang Triforce pieces (the worst part of the best game). I don't know WHAT they were thinking when they put that part in... maybe some reference to the first game, where you need the 8 pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom?

Once you get all the Triforce of Courage pieces, it automatically opens your collection screen and shows the Triforce pieces glowing and then combining. So I warped to the Tower of the Gods to see the awesome cutscene that I love (I mean, USED TO) so much. It goes something like... the King of Red Lions (your personal talking boat/Navi impersonator) instructs Link to take out the Triforce and show the Gods so that they can go back into Hyrule. The portal thingy opens in the middle of the ocean, but Link looks down and the Triforce has disappeared, and the design is now on his hand. The King of Red Lions claims that this is proof that he's the hero, and declares that he will now be known as the Hero of Winds. Sweetness, right? It's like... almost as awesome as Hero of Time. Or Hero of Twilight. Or Hero of Hyrule. Yeah.

The gods (or someone, never been quite clear on who, but I always assumed it was the gods) say, "Link! Hero of Winds!" and then we go down into the portal thing. We go into Hyrule, head into the castle (the broken Link statue always makes me think twice about if I actually want to do this or not xD), go into the basement place, see Zelda disappear, fight two Darknuts... and so on. Oh. The Darknuts reminded me of something... xD I'll say that later.

So where were we? Oh, right.

Why do I hate this cutscene now?

Because this is probably the BILLIONTH time I've seen it!!!

It's starting to get ANNOYING! I've memorized everything they say (almost). I've seen it a zillion times... because a while back, I was trying to FILM this cutscene on my cell phone (like I do with all my favorites) all the way to the ending where you finish Ganon's Tower (or, if I had time, Ganondorf himself). The problem was, every time, SOMETHING WENT WRONG! I'm not even going to bother explaining what happened. But... now I resent watching this cutscene. The worst part is that I forgot to save after I beat the Darknuts. XDDD Told you I'm terrible at that...

So why did I make this entire entry based on this?


Next up (tomorrow) I'll explain my adventures as I tried to GET the Triforce charts/pieces in the first place! A lot of funny/interesting things happened... including getting the Hero's Mask AGAIN (that was my second entry EVER on the blog! O:) but forgetting about it... doing the ENTIRE Savage Labyrinth (it has over 100 floors, ugh)... completing my sea chart (finally!)... getting 300 hits on the Orca and becoming a "swordsman" (after a LOT of times doing it, and getting annoyed by Link's yells every time I pressed "B")... and even doing a random seagull glitch because I was bored.

So stay tuned! xD

EDIT: OOH! OOH! I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING! I got all Heart Containers on Phantom Houglass! Yay... DS Zelda games are just too easy...

I'm aiming for all Sand of Hours next... and then completing the Temple of the Ocean King with ALL that time!

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