
Monday, May 10, 2010

Guess I need to do some updating!

I can't beleive it! I haven't posted on this blog in FIVE DAYS! O:

Oddly, I don't have much to say. Oh, but I did buy something Zelda related online. :) It was from United Kingdom. It was a Twilight Princess DSi skin. It looks EPIC. :D

Oh! OH! I just remembered something interesting I did! On Four Swords Adventures, I saved the last maiden! Whatever color she was. I can't even remember. Wow. I think it was purple, though.

Oh, man. You won't believe it: the White and Red maidens are related to Navi! O: They sound EXACTLY LIKE HER! The White maiden says "HEY" EXACTLY like Navi when I find the Dark Mirror is missing... and the Red maiden does the same thing, except when we find the Trident missing. Srsly. They could have taken it RIGHT out of Ocarina of Time. Why couldn't they have taken the COOL parts out of OoT? Like... the Zoras that AREN'T EVIL?!?

That reminds me. On, I joined the Zora group. Did I mention that yet? Well, anyway. Yeah. It's fun. :D

Let's see... what else?

I FOUND THE HYLIAN! On TP, I mean. The Language... that I learned! Did I say that already? Honestly, I feel like I'm repeating myself half the time. Anyway, if I didn't say that, I was reading random stuff off my map. Our dang TV is so small, it was hard to read some of it. And there's this one word in Ordon I can't figure out. I thought it would be Ordona, since all the other Light Spirits names are there, but it's more like something that began with an L and O...

Okay. I started a new WIND WAKER FILE! YAAAY! It was for my friend, though. For Noob. He fails though. He threw a pig off a cliff. AND THEN HE LET ARYLL GET STOLEN. GEEZ, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! XD

Another thing: I entered a Brawl tournament on W101Central... and WON! Take that Timeless! :P Well, I failed as Pikachu though, and it WAS a close match with the Sudden Death...

Nothing else to say. I'm heading to Frozen Hyrule to save Zelda on FSA. But I've played nothing else, besides a little of ST and some OoT, with... Swordless... Link... OOH! I JUST REMEMBERED! I started a post about that... and never finished! I should have been editing it right now! O.o

Well. You'll just have to wait until tomorrow I guess. :P

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