
Thursday, June 17, 2010

I need more computer time. (And, of course, more Skyward Sword info!)

I'm on my DSi AGAIN. I really broke my promise. xD

On the Zelda Wii... Oh, now SKYWARD SWORD... side of things, I decided I would write a post on the plot of the game. Because that's what always draws me to Zelda games. Probably why I find LoZ somewhat frustrating and Link's Awakening slightly repettitive. Not they aren't fun. Nooo, not at all. You gotta love rapid button pressing to slay random enemies, at least every once and a while. :D Oddly, LttP is one of my favorites, but that's an older one... I've also been hearing how everyone thinks new games are progressively getting easier. I DEFINATELY agree. TP is waaay too easy. LoZ? ...Frankly, waaay too hard! XD But LttP? PERFECT difficulty. PERFECT gameplay. PERFECT story.

Uh... wasn't I talking about Skyward Sword?

So, at the beginning, Link lives in... the sky on a floating island. Hmm. Interesting, I guess. Certainly more EXCITING than living on some GROUNDED island (WW) or some boring ranch (TP) OR some forest (OoT). Apparently, it's called Skyloft. Big surprise.

One day, Link (or someone, but I guess it's probably him) finds a land BENEATH his little floating home (as if he never thought to look down XD). Unfortunately, the land is ruled by evil. So what does Link do? He jumps off Skyloft and goes down to help! DUH. That's what heroes do. Or at least OURS does. :P

Obviously, Link can't do it by himself. I don't care if he has the Triforce of Courage - no one can jump out of the SKY and live. So Link has... the Skyward Sword (hence the title)!

And so we come to our little blue girl in our E3 2009 picture. Zelda fans were RIGHT. She IS the Master Sword. Um, technically, the Skyward Sword... but apparently, it becomes the Master Sword later. Oh boy. As though a talking HAT wasn't enough, now our SWORD talks too. OMG, a combination of MC, SS, TP, and OoT would be TORTURE! Talking hat, sword, shadow, and a stupid fairy who likes to shout "HEY! LISTEN!"

Sorry, out of characters on DS! Bye! -.-

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