
Monday, September 6, 2010

The EVIL Memory Card Curse!

And THAT is its official name, now. Considering the amount of damage and confusion it's causing in the video game aspects of my life, it deserves its own blog posts, instead of constant teensy-tiny mentions in previous posts.

Oh, before I go off onto a big rant, sorry about the lack of updates. *sigh* There's so much I want to say... like mentioning "Heroic Dough" (that line STILL makes me laugh! :D), my recent attempts in Phantom Hourglass, good fanfics (including my own), and so on. But... my days are too long now to keep up with much of ANYTHING anymore. Darn school/homework/swim team...

Now for the curse.

Let's list the games that have been corrupted:

Wind Waker (may that epiclatastcial cutscene file R.I.P!)

Pokemon Colloseum (I miss NightRings SOOOOO MUCH! *SOB*)

Super Smash Bros. Melee (Man, I think this game hates me or something. It just won't let me keep Young Link.)

Sonic Heroes (umm... long story)

Animal Crossing (Well, at least the people I hated are gone. Like Bubbles? We sent him death threats. XD)

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (Do you know how WEIRD that game is? But it's kinda fun. However, recently, my sis compared it to Ocarina of Time... and its kinda scary how alike they are in some ways. Freeing chicken elders from eggs is like awakening sages. Yeah, we compare EVERYTHING to Zelda. xD)

Yeah. How sad. All those games... lost...


I have GREAT news. Kinda. Well, for SOME games its great news. For Pokemon Colloseum, Wind Waker, and Animal Corssing, it's not so much... but for Melee, it's AWESOMEFUL!

My sister decided to play Billy Hatcher for some strange reason. :P Anyway, she played through a few levels, but when she tried to save... the game said that the file was CORRUPTED! O: So she saved it to a different file. She then turned off the game and tried to play the first file again. Still corrupted. Then she took the memory card OUT... and put it back in... and guess what? SUDDENLY IT WASN'T CORRUPTED! *gasp*

Even before this, it happened with Melee. Since I was so disappointed at the loss of our file, I told my sister that I would get back Young Link if it was the last thing I did! XD So I went on to get him back... and found there was no need. No "file corrupted" message of any sort came up. The intro started as usual, the menu screen came up, and I pressed start. The game was running completely normally. Stunned, I went into Classic Mode, as I had been about to do before (you play 10 Classic or Adventure mode ten times, with Link and Zelda as two of the characters to get Young Link), and found that all our characters were still there - INCLUDING YOUNG LINK! :D



It's good.

Sometimes the corrupted message will still show up, oddly enough, but I just take it out and put it back in (and sometimes restart the game) and the characters will be there good as new! Yayes! XD

It doesn't work for Wind Waker though... or Pokemon (*SOB*), or whatever else was affected. But I think that Young Link is good enough for me right now. Even though I would DIE to get NightRings back (maybe. Or maybe I'm bluffing.)

Anyway, I gtg now. Later tonight I will post again, if I have time. Likely I won't.

Oh, today's a holiday too, right? Happy whatever-holiday-it-is! XD

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