
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New pictures? Yay. We can stare at more things.

How... exciting. I know. XD

The new pictures that I'm talking about are from Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time 3DS. Personally, the Skyward Sword ones didn't really seem "new." Same areas, at least. Except for ONE. This epic fire temple-ish one. :D I know the fire-type temple one was in the trailer, but this one... look at the background! I think it's pretty, lolz!

Okay, these pictures are all coming from Legend of, where I get the majority of my Zelda news. ;) Credit goes to them entirely, or wherever THEY got it from. If you want to view it on their site instead of my blog (traitors! XD), then go here.

Epic Fire Temple one:

Other Skyward Sword screenshots:

Okay. That's done...

Now for what got me SUPER excited. Turns out staring at pictures CAN be fun after all.

The... Ocarina of Time 3DS ones! Guess what? They finally showed us something besides the title screen of the game. Meaning Young Link! :)

(Bottom two weren't on that post at, and are actually from here.)

Annnd... this one is my absolute favorite.

You can guess why! :D It shows the BOTTOM SCREEN! I've been wondering how they would make the transition from a console game to portable. It looks like you have the little buttons you can tap, or something, that you equip potions and items to. And the map's down there, along with three little buttons that... say something in Japanese...

I can't read Japanese. *sob*

So... it's not like PH or ST. It's a top screen game. Not so much touching, I guess. I don't have a problem with that, except I was kind of hoping the Ocarina would be a bit like the Spirit Flute! I LOVE that flute! I will play it for HOURS. (Not really. But I probably could if I felt like it. :D) We haven't seen the ocarina yet, though... maybe I can still hope for it...

'Kay, enough blogging for me. ...Actually, I still have two more posts to make after this. One on Sierra's Story... and then... maybe I'll post the prologue on here. Finally.

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