
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

TP Update - Thank you, fortune teller! ...Kinda.

I hate the Fortune Teller in Twilight Princess. But at the same time... she's SO awesome.


*sigh* Why do I always write confusing first paragraphs? O_o

Nvm. Onto my original point. Basically... it's official. I have THREE Zelda games with full heart containers. :D Spirit Tracks was, of course, first, and then came Phantom Hourglass... but I just got a CONSOLE one! :D

It's pretty easy, actually. You just get a ton of rupees (I had all 600 at the beginning... not the full 1000 that you can get IF YOU FOUND ALL 60 POES - which I haven't - but still a lot) and then pay the fortune teller a ton of money to tell your fortune of "love". They show exactly where a Piece of Heart is. Of course, it's up to me to figure out what to DO there... and I was stuck more than once, with Rowan having to come to my aid (she's kinda the TP expert - almost - because it's the ONLY Zelda game that she's completed before me. Not my fault I deleted my file. >.<).

Okay, so, like, where did my TROUBLES with the Fortune Teller begin?

Oh, maybe when she STOLE MY MONEY!!!!!

Let's see... the third-to-last Piece of Heart that I found was from that stupid mini-game in lake Hylia - Plumm's game - that you do as a wolf. Dang, I fail at that. Especially since I had no clue how many points you had to get to recieve the Heart Piece, and, to be honest, I didn't even know if I would GET a Heart Piece. Earlier I'd done Iza's river game thing, and apparently got a bigger bomb bag I didn't have before, but not a Heart Piece.

Anyway, after FINALLY getting that, I went back to the Fortune Teller and paid her the due ten rupees. She showed me some dude in Castle Town that asks for money. Now, she'd shown me this picture before, but I had no clue what to do with it - I gave him money EVERY time I came back to Castle Town for another prediction, but there seemed to be no Heart Piece. So I paid her again. Same guy. Again. Same. Again. Same.

So... there's only one Heart Piece left... when my gosh-darn Collection Screen says there's TWO?

...Fine. Steal my rupees then. But instead of giving them to you, stupid fortune teller, I'm giving them to the dude who's apparently so important that he gets to ask for money for "peace in Hyrule." Like I'd care about that (technically, I would, since I'm role-playing as a hero, but that's why I need these Heart Pieces, right? To pwn Ganondorf and create the "peace"? XD).

So I found that money-begging guy, and was prepared to give all my money away. But I only offered fifty rupees twice - and then, guess what? A HEART PIECE FELL OUT OF THE SKY!!!! O:

...Ooooookkkkaaaaay... Not what I expected, but fine. Maybe it came from Skyloft? XDDD

But guess what? Still didn't have full Heart Containers.


Somehow, this gives me deja vu to a certain SNES game that I NEVER found the last Heart Piece on... *cough* LttP! *cough*

Anyway, after that, I went back to the fortune teller, but she just said something like, I need to "experience" more before I can get another Heart Piece.


...Apparently, she just wanted me to experience Hyrule Castle. Not even Zant. Just the castle.

Yeah, I'm in the Palace of Twilight, btw, because Zant is just my fave boss and I couldn't bear to never do him again until I beat a new file. So that's why it was there.

So I went, beat Zant, got into the castle, went back - and guess what? THE HEART PIECE WAS IN THE PALACE OF TWILIGHT THE WHOLE TIME! ...Grrr. So WHY couldn't she show me this before? WHY?!?

...Anyway, I got it eventually. And after that, well, why not just go ahead and beat the game again? XD

So, yeah, I did the final boss. And I even made sure I had Magic Armor on for all the epic cutscenes. Why? ...Idk. Magic Armor looks awesome. And a lot like Zelda's dress, in case you didn't notice. Seriously. It has the shouler plates, then the crown-type thingy at the top and the gem, and... I don't remember other similarities I observed, but I DO remember thinking that. So yeah. O_o

Goodnight. ...It's too late to get on Wizard101 now, so I guess I'll have to wait for Celestia. But whatever. I had too much fun writing this. ;)

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