
Monday, April 4, 2011

Some important stuffs

New buddy blog! In other words... The Goron Times, owned by Umbreon on Wizard101 Central, will now be collaborating with Medli's Messages. I have an affiliate! Hehehe... my blog must be getting at least SOMEWHAT popular if I can use epic words like "affiliate". XD
Thanks to Umbreon (yet again), I now know the release date for Ocarina of Time 3DS. June 17th!
...And Kid Icarus: Uprising comes out May 6. Just saying.
But... yep! I don't have a 3DS yet, but I now have a lot of friends with it - three I can think of. One of them let me try it. It was... fun. :D I got to play Phantom Hourglass on it (although it sadly wasn't in 3D, because old DS games don't work with it). But... there's these card things you can put on the table and... it pops up on the screen and... yeah. It's epic.
I probably won't get OoT 3DS the day it's released, however. Unless I randomly come up with $150 more for the system. Plus, I need most of my money for Skyward Sword still. There's NOTHING that will keep me away from getting THAT the first day it comes out! (Unless GameStop doesn't get it in in time. Ugh. ST flashback...)
Speaking of which: OoT was rated E. OoT 3DS is rated E 10+. Why? Fantasy violence, animated blood (there's a lot of that... try throwing a bomb at a ReDead!)... and... suggestive themes.
I lol'd at that.
My first thought? Thanks, Ruto.
And the LAST thing:
Should I post a Zelda fan fiction here? I still need a title for it. Unlike The Blade of Evil's Bane, my previous epic fail attempt at creating a Zelda fic, this story will be an adventure-comedy. I'll TRY to be funny... it probably won't be, but at least it will be lighthearted. I think I might post it here for an idea on a title. So? Would anyone read it?
Btw - I'm STILL stuck on dungeon eight!

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