
Monday, April 11, 2011

Important Dates

I only have a few short things to say.
First off, the Pokemon global link is in two days! I really know nothing about it, sorry. I do not have Black or White - that money is going toward Skyward Sword (although I have MORE than enough for it right now) and 3DS (which I TOTALLY don't have enough for).
The other thing is that there's a rumor for Skyward Sword's release date: September 25th, 2011. Wouldn't that be awesome? From what I've been reading online, it's actually a good possibility - but don't get your hopes up just yet. I'm certainly not going to let my excitement get the better of me, even though that is right after my own birthday (the 16th) and... well, it would just be plain epic.
That's pretty much all I have right now! Hopefully we can look forward to some more stuff at E3 this year, which will be June 7th through the 9th. I'm not sure when Nintendo will announce its stuff during those dates, though... ...OH MY GODS BLOGGER IS ANNOYING ME.
It keeps taking out my paragraphs! :( I had to put them in manually for this post...

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