
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Why is my blog suddenly so popular?

...I'm sorry.

I haven't posted in so long (okay, just a week), but I'm starting to lose interest in this blog. Why? Because... suddenly I'm getting a TON of views, and I have no idea why! I think it's because of all that E3 information I provided. The only problem is that I stole most of that from other websites - I can take credit for discovering very little of it, and I feel bad stealing attention from the original sources. Seriously. If you type in "Skyward Sword" on Google, my blog is on the front page. Wow. Unless is has something to do with the fact that I'm logged into my own Google account...?

Whatever the case, I just don't know what to do here. I mean, the majority of posts on Medli's Messages are just for my own entertainment, and provide no kind of helpful information whatsoever. Honestly, who cares that I just got a GameBoy Advanced with the game Oracle of Ages (which is TOTALLY true... yay for me! So happy! And I can finally replay Minish Cap!)? Who cares that I keep dying the the ninth dungeon of The Legend of Zelda? Who cares that a Goron decided to join the forces of evil and kill me on Ocarina of Time 3D Master Quest? No one. You people care about Skyward Sword. How do I know that? Because that's what I care about, too.

...In that case, you can head over to Zelda Dungeon and read Skyward Sword's newly released plot details here. In the past, I would have copied and pasted everything there, but I really hate plagarism now - and that's essentially what that is.

I mean, someone already plagarized Hylians of the Future on, and I don't know what to do about it. Should I e-mail the author or just ignore it...?

Anyway... I like getting views. I like knowing that people are probably reading my stuff. But I DON'T like that it's for all the wrong reasons.

Great. I don't even know what the point of this post is. Don't worry, if there's anyone out there who is a regular reader (Luke and Lucas, I think XD) - I'll keep posting! I just don't know how often, or how meaningful any of my posts will be.

For the moment... enjoy your Sunday!

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