
Monday, December 31, 2012

Yay for New Year!

*Looks at post count of 2012*



Okay, 2009... 49 posts. 2010... 89 posts. 2011... 63 posts.

And 2012 has FOURTEEN?

Whoa. My activity dropped pretty badly this year, huh? Only May and June got more than one post. D:

I'm sorry. But this hasn't been a very Zelda-active year, huh? It's sad, actually. We haven't gotten anything cool this year, aside from Symphony of the Goddesses.

And why didn't I make a post about that? Uggh, now I can't remember it! I'm such an idiot! :(

Maybe I still should make a post. Man, I don't know why I didn't write one earlier! I had perfect memory of it all then...

...Now all I can remember was when the announcer guy mentioned the Water Temple and I laughed way too hard...

And then they played Ballad of the Wind Fish and I was the happiest Zelda fan ever...


Um, yeah. 2012 sucked for Zelda fans. Let's leave it at that.

I'm going to pray at 2013 is better. I really, really, REALLY want to see a new Zelda game at E3 next year. We've still got six months to go, and I'm already so excited for E3 2013. I watched the Wii U Tech Demo again yesterday from 2011 (which was one of the best years in Zelda history; thanks, 25th anniversary!) because I was planning on making a signature out of it, and it is BEAUTIFUL. No words can describe the fangirly excitement I feel when watching that trailer. I was pretty darn happy watching SS, but somehow it's even better seeing this tech demo that might never come true.

I'm not sure how that works, but...

Well, guys, I hope you all have a happy New Year. ...Yeah, that's right. I don't have anything Zelda-related to update. Except... I beat Unicorn's Cave, fifth dungeon of Oracle of Seasons. And now I'm back to the beginning of the OoS cycle, which is get lost, miraculously find dungeon, get stuck in dungeon, pwn dungeon, and repeat. So... yeah. I'm not sure where these ruins are that the Maku Tree is talking about. There was a place called... Temple Remains or something, but there's just this big, stupid gaping hole there that I can't cross, so maybe that isn't it. Or maybe I'm missing something.

Ugh. I hate the "get lost" stage.

Um, yeah, that's all. Oh, and there's Dog House glitch on Link's Awakening that I don't think I covered yet. Maybe in a later post I can discuss that!

But for now... I just listened to the Skyward Sword credits song while writing this, and it just ended, fading into the Rhythm Thief musical from Random Encounters... so I think that's my cue!

You know what was funny earlier? I have a TON of Zelda songs and Random Encounters musicals and MLP songs on my iPad, and I love putting them on shuffle and listening. Earlier, I got Game Over of Link's Awakening, a Majora's Mask remix (forgot what song, but it was Majora's Mask for goodness sake), Game Over of OoX, and Game Over of LoZ all in one go. Not even joking. Is my iPad telling me something?

While writing that, Rhythm Thief ended and now I'm listening to Shadow Temple. Yaaay!

Yeah, well, that's it. XD I'm done telling you all about what songs I'm listening to while writing this post, haha. Bottom line is: I hope you all have a very happy New Year's Eve and Day. I'm having some friends over.

Have a good holiday, everybody! Late Merry Christmas and all that. Enjoy!


  1. Hey, you said nothing Zelda-related, but you forgot Nintendo Land with Battle Quest! Yeah, sure, it's not NEARLY as good as a legit game, but it's still surprisingly fun, and if you haven't gotten it yet, you should!

    1. Oh, yeah. I DID forget about that, huh. Whoops. Well, you're right: I'm afraid I don't have it yet. I haven't bothered getting a Wii U. But some day I will! And I'm sure it's fun; it's just that, like you said, it's not a full Zelda game.

  2. Hi. You might remember me from Zeldadungeon, or maybe not. But anyway, I just wanted to thank you for sort of inspiring me to start my own blog. I kind of got this idea from you.

    Oh yeah, and here it is:

  3. Err... This is a little awkward, but it's been bothering me for a bit now. I've wanted to apologize for that argument we had some time back (a LONG time, about "firsting"), just because... well, it's been bothering me. XD Yeah, I was just thinking that it would be a good thing to do to apologize, because I was kind of rude and ignorant. And if you've forgotten about this, then... never mind. I probably sound really stupid right now. But I just felt like I needed to do this. :P

    1. Wow... I did forget about that. Uggh. I'm really sorry, too. I wasn't terribly nice I'm really sorry too. XD I hadn't even remembered that that was YOU I'd been talking to! I just remembered some commenter from ZD... But, wow, that's so awesome that you'd apologize. There was no need at all, but it's just that you even thought about that that really impresses me, haha.

      Eh, well, that was a while back, and like I said, I'd pretty much forgotten about it until now.

      But, wow, that's so awesome that you'd apologize. There was no need at all, but it's just that you even thought about that that really astounds me, haha.

      I'm also sorry for not responding to your initial message. I'm really honored that you were inspired by my blog enough that you made your own! I'll have to check your blog more often. Thanks for leaving comments, by the way. Heh, your blog is way more active than mine right now...

    2. Yeah, it's been getting more and more difficult to post often... I'm having to squeeze it in. Thanks for following my blog, btw. You're the first one! Well, other than myself... :/

    3. btw, am i following your blog? Because on this site, it says i do, but in my profile description, it doesn't.

    4. Yes, it says you are, at least in my list of followers, haha. It's also showing up on your profile on my screen, sooo... XD

  4. Replies
    1. (This was supposed to be a reply to your last comment... but whatever, I'll stop commenting on this post now...)
