
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

LoZ and AoL Updates

Phew! Haven't done one of these in a while. But so far today, there hasn't been any major Zelda news. ...Okay, well, GameStop is hosting Ocarina of Time 3D tryouts, but there's none where I live. *sob* You can check out this link for locations. Then, apparently Mexico is listing Skyward Sword as coming out in Fall 2011. Dang it! So now both you lucky Europeans AND the Mexicans will get it earlier than people in the U.S.! >_> Maybe I should just go to Mexico and get it, rofl. At least it's closer than Europe, and I know a little Spanish...

...Anyway? Update. Yeah.

All right! I just need to do this for my own enjoyment - I love writing about my Legend of Zelda experiences. For those of you who don't know, "updates" on this blog typically mean "My rants about what I did in a Legend of Zelda game and how close I am to completing it." I know, it's not the type of thing a professional fansite would do, but hey... I'm not professional. I almost wish I was - I'd hear Zelda news right away, then - but no. And until then, I'll continue on with my little Zelda rants. Just don't turn away from this blog just because of this one little post... I'll still give Zelda news and everything! These are becoming less and less frequent, as you may have noticed. So... yeah.

I'll try to keep this short, but I don't know... I'm fitting two different game experiences into one post, and if you've been following this blog, you'll KNOW how long these can get...

Let's start with... The Legend of Zelda! The very first game in the series. Last update, I was stuck trying to find Ganon. Well, thanks to Seth GoldenBlood (yet again), I now know where the last dungeon is. I've been working on it - and, in fact, I found the Silver Arrow, I just need to find Ganon. But... Seth uses a walkthrough. He has this book that walks you through NES games, and he read to me from it. Do you think that counts as breaking my vow of "no-walkthroughs?" ...Whatever. It was funny when he was reading from it, though.

"'Great! You're off to fight Ganon. You've done well to get this far!'" I rolled my eyes. He shrugged. "What? That's what it says. Anyway: 'Now that you've completed Dungeon 8, you should have all but one piece of the Triforce.'"

He looked at me. I looked at him. We exchanged confused stares, so I brought up my collection screen on the game.

"Um, Seth... that doesn't look like all but one piece..."

And I had a perfect, completed triangle right there. The full Triforce of Wisdom.

He just gazed at it for awhile, then bursted out laughing. "Sierra? I think you hacked the game. That, or you broke it."

...So I dunno what happened. XD I think something's wrong with that walkthrough. I've heard EVERYWHERE that there's 8 pieces of the Triforce, so I can't be missing one. And if nothing IS wrong with the walkthrough, then we have two theories. One is that the little border around my Triforce of Wisdom is a piece of it. Two is that it was referring to the fact that I have the Triforce of Wisdom, but not the Triforce of Power, since there were only two pieces in the first game. But... you'd think it wouldn't say "ALL but one" then... for there to be an "all" you'd think there'd have to be more than one...

So. Dungeon 9... I have to complete that.

Now for Adventure of Link, the other game I'm working on! Don't worry, this one isn't as long. Or as funny, sadly. I just wanted to mention that... I BEAT THE FIRST DUNGEON! YEEEESSS!

...I was very excited, okay? That horse-boss-thing was HARD to beat!


...In other news, I started A Link to the Past again. I pretty much completed the whole game on a walkthrough the first time - thus creating my new "no-walkthroughs" rule - so I'm trying to replay it and regain some dignity. I'd been stuck in one room for FOREVER... until I figured out you could kill these one creatures with pots. I thought you needed the bow to kill them! Anyway, that unlocked these Anti-Fairies hovering around a pot, and the pot revealed a switch that gave me the Big Key, which IN TURN let me get the Bow. Yay! After that I quickly completed the Eastern Palace dungeon, and then the next Desert one. I'm now in Tower of Hera.

Also, on Ocarina of Time, just a few hours ago, I played my swordless file. ...Hehe, yeah, I've had the "Swordless Link glitch" activated ever since I did it back in May 2010... over a year ago. It's a long process that you can find my unhelpful description of here, but it's pretty fun. Pointless, though, since you can't use your sword. Its only practical use is that it lets you use items on Epona. Anyway, my friend Deku (nickname) was over for a while, and since he's getting OoT 3DS when it comes out (and he doesn't have the original), he begged me to play this game. So for some stupid reason, I thought I'd try to beat Ganon while swordless.

...It didn't really work out. At first it was fine, since I'd bounce his magic back at him with bottles, then hit him with the Megaton Hammer, but... then he started doing that magic attack that you need a Spin Attack to deflect, and my timing is so bad I can't hit him with Light Arrows during that. And THEN, when I finally would get him down, he wouldn't die! My hammer just WASN'T working. So after falling for the thousandth time, I got so mad I just equipped the Biggoron Sword, spin-attacked that magic right back at him, and defeated him with one sword swipe (since the hammer had weakened him so much). Aaand then, in the next phase, I did the swordless glitch again. XD


Kind of.

It was for me.

Uh-huh! End of update. Have a good day! ;)

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