Tuesday, May 1, 2012

See? I can be honest.


Now, um... I have to go practice harp. But I wanted to prove that I could do it. That I CAN keep promises. :D

I guess I'll just go over a quick update on Skyward Sword. ;) I mean, because, tonight I was playing that instead of posting here. (Whaaat? It's fun!) In Hero Mode (which I've been neglecting until recently), I just got to the part with the Song of the Hero – when you're first supposed to get the parts of the Song, at least.

Now, here's the perfect opportunity to discuss some of my SS experiences – I haven't really been able to mention anything since I got the game. The first time through on this part, I actually got the Lanayru part first. Now apparently Nintendo's telling everyone "NOOOOO YOU'LL BREAK YOUR GAME!" if you go there. ...I thank the goddesses that my game wasn't broken. XD Man, that would have ruined my whole... Thanksgiving. Because that's probably when I was playing that part through.

So this time, I decided to go to Faron first, like you're supposed to. And I fought the Imprisoned. Okay, I have to ask: am I the ONLY one who died a good four times on my first try? O_o I was completely prepared to die this time, but I actually didn't! I was so proud of myself! It's because I learned from my mistakes the last time and learned how to control the Groosenator so that Link landed on the Imprisoned's head properly. I kept missing last time, so he'd make it to the temple and the whole world was destroyed. Four times. Yay.

So I just left off the game after drowning in the flooded Faron Woods. Gods Dangit. >.< And I think I jinxed myself, too. I had already nearly drowned once, but a fairy saved me. So when I was up on land next time, I briefly looked at my potions – and I realized I didn't have another fairy. So I told my sister, "I'm going to drown now... Even a heart potion + can't save me..."

And predictably...

Well, you know. I... died.

Anyway, that's all I have time for! Have a good evening, my nonexistent readers. ^^


  1. Well, hi. I'm sure you won't recognize me at first. xD
    One, I want to say that your SS experiences are...interesting xD I beat SS (finally o=) but I didn't want Hero Mode...yet. xD And speaking of potions...whenever my friend "dies" of laughter (she says I'M DYING), I say: "Um...*hands heart potion* I think you might need this...xD"

    (Lastly, who am I? This is pretty weird to admit since I'm under my real name because I HAVE to because I have an IRL blog for my friends, but...I-I'm...

    ...Peepsie. o=====)

  2. Hi!! Um... does this post count as one for May? I hope not! x3 All your posts make me laugh!

  3. Commenting on an old post.... awkward..... XD

    Anyway, you only break your game if you go to Lanayru first and then talk to a specific Goron right by Lanayru. I actually did this on purpose on my second playthrough (I saved and made a copy of my save file) just to see what would happen. It's just that the cutscenes in Faron and Eldin don't happen when they should. No big deal. Unless you saved. Then it is a big deal. A veryyy big deal.
