Sunday, June 1, 2014

Looking forward to E3 2014!

I ruined my record today. I had two different posts that I wanted to write today, but I got distracted by Mario Kart and didn't look at the clock until 12:10 AM.

It's June. There will be no May 2014 post ever. Because I blew it. So now I can't say that I've had one post per month since 2009. I am surprisingly not as depressed about that as I probably should be...

Well, um... It's actually 1:40 AM right now. I was trying to finish a post, but I really have very little motivation right now. I probably should have started this earlier in the week when I was still fangirling over Hyrule Warriors, but I didn't soooo...

I'll give you guys a post tomorrow, alright? Well, not tomorrow, but in the morning, when I wake up. I'm too tired to trust myself to write a quality post right now. (I might end up deleting this post if I do.) And hey, we'll still have at least two E3 posts later in the month! Oh, yes. That's something to be excited about, right? Nintendo's press conference will be June 10th, and, shockingly, it's June 1st now! The summer seems to be passing so quickly. We've got PLENTY to look forward to at E3 this year -- but I'm going to talk more about that both in my later post of day, and in my "X amount of hours until E3" post.

I'll see you guys (guy? It's really only you, miniluigi. XD) later!


  1. Hehe, it's only me. I'll comment more when I get up tomorrow (I totally don't stay up all night for your posts or anything... O.O *stalk*) Heh... #JustGotGoldenTires

  2. Hehehe... Something in me knew if you didn't join my server today, you would feel so bad about forgetting that you would write a blog post. #GoKarting #Sympathy #Koi #Hashtag #HashtagHashtag #CamelCase #Minecraft #RunningOutOfHashtags
