Thursday, April 8, 2010

WW Update - Quest for the Triforce of Courage!

I promised yesterday that I would write about what happened while I attempted to get the Triforce pieces and charts before seeing that annoying cutscene (see last entry). I should start from the beginning, right? Well... there's no way I'll be able to go in order with this, because honestly, not much of it was very sequential... and if it was, I can't remember it very well. So what DID happen first? Um... well...

Remember this post? Rofl, if you do, you've been paying attention to this blog longer than I have! xD I didn't care about the blog when I wrote this one entry... and no one read it anyway. I mean, hellooo! It was written May 2009! And most of the information is outdated in that post. I FINALLY found that bottle. xD Anyway, the reason I'm bringing this back up NOW is because it mentions the first time I got the Hero's Charm! Yeah... I recently found out it was Hero's CHARM, not mask... whatever, it looks more like a mask anyway. But on this file, it just became my SECOND file with the Hero's Charm! :D So I put it on... and then thought it was just SO ugly, I took it off, deciding I would only use it if there were enemies nearby. Besides... I had NEVER actually used it before. EVER. Not even on my other file... well, that one's obvious, because I beat the game already on there.

We'll get back to that later. After that I got more interested in TP, OoT, MM, ST, PH, LttP... wait, I just named all my other games... O.o So, as a result, I didn't play Wind Waker for a loong time. Like... an entire three months! O:

When I finally DID get back on (about a week ago, lol), I found an uncompleted Sea Chart, only two Triforce Charts found and NO pieces obtained, and an extreme need of rupees to get Tingle to decipher my charts for me. Ugh.

I checked my IN-credible chart (why is the 'in' capitalized? I never got that...) to see where some Triforce Charts were. To my surprise, quite a few of them were on the islands I hadn't yet charted. I set off toward the Southwest corner of the sea, where the most areas were missing, with lots of bait for the fishmen. I filled up that part of the chart, and collected two more charts. Nothing REALLY interesting happened... until I arrived at Diamond Steepe Island (at least I THINK that was what it was called xD). My Tingle Chart said nothing about a Triforce Chart on it, so I was about to ignore it... until the fishmen there mentioned something about the Ghost Ship. He said there was something on the island that would make it not "disappear" when you get close. I knew what that was.

I hookshotted on to some trees to get up to the top of the island and fell into the dark and mysterious hole there. Inside I found a dungeon that I recognized very, VERY well. Mostly I just recalled how much TROUBLE this had given me the first time I tried it! You have to jump into little warping pots that bring you to a new location. There's three (sometimes two) other pots in each room. Only one goes to the next area... the other two lead back to the entrance. As you can imagine, it was NOT fun having to do trial and error all the time... all the while, avoiding Floormasters... the cousins of my least favorite Zelda enemy, Wallmasters. At long last I reached the top floor, killed the Floormaster (hmm, arrows work surprisingly well on them) and GOT THE GHOST SHIP CHART! YAAAAY!

Well... I'll have to edit this... again... figures. I didn't even get to the Savage Labyrinth and how mad I was about the Hero's Charm thing...


  1. its funny cause the one thing i still remember about windwaker is the is the first time i learned the song of something or other i think it went down left right up but (my poor poor disc was lost to the ages and my memory card, damn that thing survived ALOT!) all that is gone now :(

  2. Aww. :( Well, don't worry. My game isn't in the best shape either. I guess I forgot to mention it, but when I was doing the place for the Ghost Ship Chart (as described above), EVERY time I went in one of the pots, a thing appeared on the screen saying, "The game disk could not be read. Please refer to the Nintendo GameCube instruction booklet." So then I had to STAND UP, walk ALL the way over to the GC, OPEN the cover, close it again, and FINALLY wait for it to reload. Same thing happens when I go into or exit Beatle's shop, for some weird reason. Stupid scratches. xD

  3. oh how i know how that stuff happens, i think my ganon tries was up to 26 cause my disc was just that screwed, kept on giving out right before i beat him. ARG! i did fix it tho (toothpaste apparently has game data in it XD!) also i had to GET UP, walk ALL the way to the WII, PRESS the button, TAKE the disc out, walk ALL the way to the bathroom, SMEAR toothpaste ALL over the disc, WIPE it clean, DRY it off, walk ALL the way back, PUT it back in the WII, and HOPE that it worked, LOL XD! (sorry i just HAD to :P)
