Friday, February 26, 2010

I wrote Zelda!

LOOK! I did this all on my Word document! I WROTE ZELDA WITH DOTS AND SLASHES AND LINES! xD

It was SO much fun. I was inspired by the Wind Waker tutorial that helped us out the first time we ever played through the game (because we were SUCH noobs at solving Zelda puzzles, although once we were past the Forsaken Fortress we were pretty good). At the top, they had something very similar to this.

There are two reasons I did not post it on here like it is, and instead posted it like a picture. First of all, I didn't want people copying and pasting and stealing it (MINE! xD). Second, it didn't look right on here. ...What? You want to see what it looks like on blogger? Okay...

......| ___________ /………………………………………………….
......| |...................../ /…………………………………………………...
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........................../ /………THE LEGEND OF.......…………………….
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............./ /.........................._.......................................................................
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..........| /______________| |……………………………………………..


Well. I guess that kind of ruined my "NO COPYING AND PASTING" rule. Now anyone can copy it... oh well... xD


  1. first time i beat ganon (oot) I beat it to this (i amazingly finished at the end of the somg and the timing was impecable (like the solo i was down to like 1 heart but still had a fairy)

  2. lol just so you know heres a recent pic of me (lmao just be sure im not an 60 year old man stalking you :P)
