Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh... em.... gee....

No way. No way no way no way.

I cannot believe this, but... I haven't played any Zelda game for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT.

AH! It's scary! I've never gone that long! Okay, I haven't gone that long for a WHILE. Nah, there was that YEAR without them with Wind Waker...

I have to play something tonight. Have to. There is no way I'm going to do anything else. Well... unless Sydney finishes the next Percy Jackson book....

Okay, that's what I've been doing. I'll admit it. I've been READING every night. No computer, no video games. Just READING. And a little Brawl mixed in between every once and a while.

Now, when I look at it this way, it's no wonder that I finished every book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series so quickly! I read it ALL DAY, doing nothing else. Except piano practice and, as I said, some Brawl.

Wow. It's still pretty amazing. No Zelda... gosh, I have to buy ALttP soon or I'll run out of things to do!

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