Monday, February 15, 2010

LttP Update - The Boomerang OWNS!

I now have two items on A Link to the Past: Boomerang and Bow!

Okay, actually, scratch that. I have the lantern, too. And bombs. And I think I have a bottle. Probably other stuffs, too, that I can't remember.

But, still, boomerang is my favorite so far. Isn't that surprising? I mean, the boomerang was SERIOUSLY neglected in Ocarina of Time - you use it for, what, half a temple (or in this case, Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly O.o), then turn into adult Link so you can't use it any longer! In Wind Waker, it was used a BIT more, but not by much. It's super helpful when you're in the Forbidden Woods, but otherwise, arrows are SO much better. What about Majora's Mask? Wait... do you get the boomerang on there? If you do, I've already forgotten, so it can't be that important. xD Um... what other games? Ooh! Twilight Princess was kind of an improvement. There was WIND with that awesome boomerang. Bestest boomerang ever, for sure. :P But, still, you don't use it much. I think that, with the wind and all that, they could have made a lot more puzzles with it outside of the Forest Temple. That would have been lots of fun.

Now, on other games I have, like Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, the Boomerang is a GREAT item. In fact... sometimes I prefer it over bow and arrows (now always, though, especially when you get Bow of Light in ST)! You get draw a line for it to go. Awesome, right? And, especially in ST, you get to use it for lots of fun puzzles. Like, bringing fire over to melt some ice, or bringing an icy fire over a lake to freeze it? AWE-SOME!

But, still...

Boomerang isn't always the top item of the Zelda series. I've gathered at least that much from my games.

However, in a Link to the Past, I can't help but love it! And... hate my arrows.

They're a disappointment, in this game. They take too long to take out, first of all, and then they can only go in a straight path. The boomerang, on the other hand, I can direct in the way I want to go. An unsuspecting monster to my left can take a major WHACK from my boomerang if I choose to make it go that way! :P

So... I've been taking too long to write this post. Point is: In LttP, Boomerang pwns, Bow stinks.

Now I'm, um, stuck... I think. Maybe. Just because I can't remember what part I'm at. Oh, wait! Now I do! I died in this one room! xD Um, okay. Guess I shouldn't advertise that. So, I'm not stuck, then, I just need to get past the room where a zillion cannon balls are all shooting at me. Ugh. So, I'm in the East Temple, btw. I didn't know this until my sister told me, but apparently you can do the temples in any order? Hmm. Well, I just can't wait to go to the Dark World. You turn into a bunny, there! YAY! BUNNY!

You know, the other day we saw a dead bunny on the side of the road...

Um... changing the subject now...

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